Look at the lovely dish of pincushions that I received in the
Pincushion Pass. My Swap partner, Anna of
Noodlehead was my partner and I think I was really lucky to be paired with her.
I like that I will be able to drag the individual pincushions around to where-ever I am using them, but now I have a lovely place to put them back in when I am finished with them.
This one has some lovely piecing. I love the way that Anna has fussy cut the flower. The same fabric has been used on the bottom of the pincushion too.
I really like the pair of buttons placed in the centre of this pincushion - especially the clear, pink one. I am also particularly impressed with the shape.
This one is really nice too.Again, the two buttons are lovely, and really compliment the fabric used. The pink ribbon is also lovely. I'm guessing that the side bit was really tricky.
Thank you Anna, for being a really great swap partner, I hope you enjoy the pincushion I have sent to you.