Monday, 24 August 2009
Toilet Training
Saturday, 22 August 2009
Happy Babymoon, Ingrid!
The lovely Cass and Belinda organised a gathering of lovely home-made gifts from Ingrid's friends in the cyber-world, and
I made this lovely snuggly wrap for her. There are more pictures of the wrap in this
The embroidery is a Sue Box design (Eryn), and is available for free from her website. If you are into machine embroidery, you should try some of Sue's designs, and watch the machine as it sews the designs. The detail and texture is amazing.
Anyway, Ingrid, if you are reading this, enjoy your new little baby girl!
Monday, 17 August 2009
Crayon Storage
Lucky for me, when I did my big birthday order with my gift voucher (plus a little extra), I received a little extra something from Nicole Mallalieu. It's the cute little zippered coin purse pattern.
Sunday, 16 August 2009
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Happy Camper!
The bag was made using Nicole Mallalieu's Snap Bag kit, and as well as the American Jane, I also used some "stash denim" and some yellow dots that I got from Spotlight.
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Thankyou Amy!
I have seen many of these around the internet, I can even name a few...
There is some Saffron Craig; Loveheart flowers (top centre), Sunburst (far left, second from top), not sure of the name but I'd recognise those bobble trees anywhere as Saffron Craig! (top right).
The lovely Lightning Bugs Goldfish by Heather Ross (under the sunburst) - I love that they all have names, so cute and thoughtful!
Mingle (near the middle under the postcard)- reminds me of the Badskirt Hippos!
Trefle Jumping Frogs (diagonally down and to the right of the goldfish)
Rhapsody Tulips (bottom right)
El Anche Joue Baby Chicks (bottom centre)
Puti de Pome (centre - above the chicks, and between the tulips and the frogs)
If anyone can help me name any of the others I would be eternally grateful.
Tutorial - How to make a Fitted Sheet

Measurement C is made up of the depth (or height) of your mattress plus some extra. The extra amount is determined by how much you want to sit under the mattress, plus a little for your elastic casing.
For a cot sheet, I did 10cms extra. The mattress was 12cm deep, so my final measurement C was 12cm + 10cm = 22cm. For a larger bed, you may want to allow more. OR you could measure the corner seam of your existing fitted sheet and add 2cms or so for the casing.
Step 2 - Cut your fabric
First you need to make a rectangle. The width of your rectangle is A + (2 x C), the length is
B + (2 x C). After you have cut your fabric of flat sheet into a rectangle, you need to cut a square from each corner, the size of which is C long, by C high. Discard these squares (or you may save them for another project if you like).

At each corner where you have cut the squares from, you need to sew the two cut edges together to make a kind of box shape. Give yourself about a 6mm seam allowance. Finish the edges with an over-locker or if you don't have one, you could zig-zag the edges.
Step 4 - Make a casing for the elastic
All around the edges, you need to fold over about 1 - 2cms of fabric. Iron and pin this edge. You can also turn over the raw edge or you might choose to overlock your edges. Stitch close to the edge all the way around the sheet but leave an opening to allow you to thread through your elastic.
Step 5 - Thread the elastic
You will need some elastic, I would recommend something about 6mms wide, the length needs to be about (A + B) x 1.5.
Attach the end of the elastic to a safety pin and thread it through the casing. Join the edges of the elastic together. If you want a neat finish, you can sew the ends of the elastic together, but I usually just tie it in a secure knot. You could also stitch the casing closed, or not.
Monday, 10 August 2009
I was going to blog today....
I had noticed Liam fiddling around near Maxx's computer, so I went and took a look. I could just see the corner poking out.... of a slightly larger slot for a different kind of memory card. I grabbed a small screwdriver. The card disappeared. Next thing I know, Liam has a screwdriver and is poking around in the slot too. Screwdrivers have safely been put away.
Maxx is okay with me opening up his computer to retrieve my SD card. I am NOT doing it while the kids are awake.
I will be back later (much later, I have three sets of sheets, some blankets and a matress protector to wash and dry) with some super-fantastic pictures to astound and amaze.
Saturday, 1 August 2009
The Cutest Purse Pattern EVER!
I really enjoyed choosing what to buy, but I really couldn't help myself and went a bit over the value of the voucher. Well, a LOT over, but there is so much to choose from!!