Sunday, 4 December 2011

Snakes & Ladders


Now that my swap partner has received it, I can reveal my completed quilt for the doll quilt swap.


Inspired by the backgammon board in the Meet Me at Mike's book, I decided to make a Snakes and Ladders board game.


My swap partner, Rebecca, has a little boy, Jack, who is close in age to my Liam, so I thought it would be appropriate. I didn't actually know he was a fan of Snakes & Ladders, so that was a lucky bonus.


Liam, Noah and I had a test run before we popped the quilt in the mail, and we were happy with the way it worked. I hope that Rebecca and Jack have lots of fun with it because we had a hard time letting it go.


I might just have to make another one for us.



  1. Very, very clever idea for a quilt. And you have executed it so well - it looks AMAZING. I hope your swap partner loves it.

  2. What a great idea! It looks amazing!

  3. This is FANTASTIC. You are certainly a master quilter Carmel - love love love it.

  4. Wow Carmel this is a little work of art! It's fabulous - such a fantastic idea too. Clever you!

  5. Thanks so much Carmel.
    It has been played, carted around, folded up, unfolded, played with again...
    I even managed to win a game - the big snake is fun to go down!
    Even hubby was impressed!

  6. This is fabulous. I'm currently working on a snakes and ladders quilt but nothing as elaborate as that. What a wonderful quilt to send. Great job.


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